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Katie Salinger

The Get Your Wellness Goals Blog

Embrace the Change: How Wellness Events Empower Personal Growth and Transformation

As you navigate the demanding journey of life, it's easy to lose sight of your well-being. Between juggling responsibilities at work and home, self-care often takes a backseat. However, prioritising your wellness is not a luxury; it's a necessity. Participating in wellness events can be a...

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The Power of Words: Transform Your Language, Transform Your Life

I've got something life-changing to share with you today. It's all about the power of our words and how they can shape our reality.

You might wonder, "What's so important about words?" 

Well, let me tell you a little secret. My house has a unique kind of 'swear jar.' 

It's not for the...

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Finding Your True North: How Feeling Lost Can Spark Your Personal Growth Journey
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where life seemed to have no clear direction? A time when you felt a bit lost or adrift? I've got fantastic news for you - that's actually a brilliant place to be! It's an opportunity to discover life's hidden gems and embark on a journey of...
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Rev Up Your Wellbeing: Decoding and Defusing Your Body's SOS Signals

 Last week, my car went in for it's annual M.O.T. (Is it just me, or is that always a nerve-raking time?)

Anyway, this reminded me about how we can 'steer our way' to wellness.

Warning - incoming mum type puns

Just as our reliable cars flash a warning light when they need some love and...

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Ignite Your Potential: 11 Empowering Steps to Boost Your Confidence

Today, I want to discuss something we could all use a little boost in from time to time - confidence, and to share some transformative insights rooted in psychology, neuroscience, and mindset principles aimed at empowering you to increase your confidence so you reach your full potential.


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As we transition from the laid-back summer days to the vibrant hues of autumn, I can't help but marvel at the ceaseless march of time. My spirited 15-year-old is about to embark on her final year in school. A whirlwind of emotions - pride, joy, and a hint of nostalgia - wash over me. With its...

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Your Life's Flight Plan: The Power of Planning for a Joyful Journey

Imagine this scenario: You arrive at an airport, suitcase in hand, ready to embark on a journey. But there's one major problem - you have no idea where you're going. You wouldn't dream of turning up without a destination in mind, would you? Yet, many of us navigate life the same way - without a...

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5 Tools to Tackle Self-Doubt and Boost Your Confidence

As a busy lady juggling multiple commitments, self-doubt can creep in at any time, shaking your confidence and overwhelming you. 

But it doesn't have to be this way. 

You can take control of your thoughts and feelings using simple, actionable tools. 

So, let's dive in and discover...

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Forgiving the Past: The First Step to Wellness

Forgiving the past is an essential step in improving overall wellness. By understanding what forgiveness is and why it matters and going through the steps of forgiveness, you can release negative emotions and move forward, transforming your life and helping you move in a positive...

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Unlocking Lasting Health and Wellness: The Power of Building a Resilient Mindset for Busy Women

Building a resilient mindset is the cornerstone of achieving lasting health and wellness success. As a transformation coach and therapist, I have seen firsthand the amazing transformations that can occur when we shift our focus towards building a resilient mindset. 

In this week's blog, I...

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Are You Sabotaging Your Success? Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs with EFT

Have you ever felt like you were your own worst enemy? You set a goal, take steps to achieve it, and suddenly sabotage yourself and end up back where you started. It's frustrating, but it's all too common.

Sabotage is the act of hindering or undermining one's success. It may not be intentional,...

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Tips for Using EFT to Manage Stress and Anxiety in Your Daily Life

How The Emotional Freedom Technique Can Help You Relieve Stress and Anxiety and Improve Your Mental Wellness - Real-World Case Studies

As a mindset coach, I work with many clients who struggle with stress and anxiety. Fortunately, many proven techniques can help you manage these feelings, and one...

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