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How using a planner can help you achieve your goals

planning Feb 07, 2023
How Using A Planner Can help You Achieve Your Goals

If you’ve never used a planner for self-improvement before then you might be a bit sceptical about whether it could really help you achieve your goals.

You might have always thought of planners as ways to stay organised, but not as tools to help you transform your life.

But now, you want to make a transformation happen. There are things you want to change and goals you want to reach, but you’re not clear on how a planner could help you get there.

The truth is, the right planner could be the one thing that finally keeps you on course to achieve your goals.

Because with a positive mindset, a healthy dose of determination and the Wellness Planner on your side, there’s nothing you can’t do.

How could a planner help you make your dreams come true?

1.  It helps you focus on your why

A good planner won’t just give you space to plan out what you’re going to do to achieve your goals, it will help you focus on the why behind them.

Why is this your focus? What does it mean to you?  

Whenever you start feeling like it’s all a bit too much like hard work, your planner can serve as a great reminder of why you started.

2. It helps you envisage the future

To get the most out of a planner you need to envisage the future you want, and then break that down into individual goals and things you can do every day to make them a reality.

It can be tricky to imagine these things of your own accord, but getting it down in black and white will help you really picture the future that could be possible, motivating you to do the work you need to do to make it happen. 

3. It helps you break your goals down

Setting goals can be more of a hindrance than a help if you don’t do it right. It’s great to have scary goals that are out of your comfort zone, but if they’re too big then they can be overwhelming.

A planner encourages you to break them down into smaller, more achievable chunks and to do things every single day to work towards them. Slow and steady really does win the race, and your planner will help you keep plodding on.

4. It’s a daily physical reminder

It’s one thing to set yourself goals and picture the future you’re going to create for yourself. 

But if you don’t have a constant reminder of those goals then life is likely to get in the way and mean you gradually forget all about them.

I’m sure that’s happened to you before - it happens to all of us. 

Perhaps it’s been with New Year’s resolutions. You set yourself goals with the best possible intentions but quickly forget all about them, until you suddenly realise it’s nearly December again and you haven’t made any progress whatsoever.   

Having your planner right there in front of you every day will keep your goals front and centre, so you never lose sight of them and forget why you’re doing this in the first place. 

Just seeing your planner on your bedside table can be enough to keep you motivated when life gets busy or stressful.    

5. It keeps you organised and on track 

A planner isn’t just for planning. It’s a tool for tracking your progress and reviewing what you’ve done so you can recognise and celebrate your achievements.

It also takes a load off your mind. 

Rather than storing all the information about what you have and haven’t done in your weary memory banks, and probably paying far more attention to the things you haven’t done, as we’re all wont to do, you can download all that information onto the page. 

Rest easy knowing everything is firmly under control, and you’re well on your way to the life you’ve been dreaming of.

Not got your copy of the Wellness Planner yet?

Buy it now and start enjoying the benefits today. 


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