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Are You Giving Your Worthiness The Priority It Deserves?

katie's wellness tips May 08, 2024
Worthiness & Wellness

This Bank holiday weekend, as I sat in my garden, surrounded by the quiet buzz of nature and the gentle warmth of the Spring sun,  I realised something important despite my long to-do list. This moment of pause was not just a luxury but a necessity—a testament to my worthiness.

With a cuppa in hand, I allowed myself the simple yet profound luxury of just being. It got me thinking about worthiness and wellness, especially for us women, who so often set aside our own needs.

Worthiness is not just a concept, it's a powerful tool that empowers us to prioritise our well-being, happiness, and self-care, regardless of our endless responsibilities. It's a crucial wellness element, profoundly affecting our mental, emotional, and physical health . However, recognising our worthiness can be challenging due to resistance, which might come as guilt, perceived lack of time, or beliefs of being undeserving of self-care. Resistance is that voice that whispers, "There are more important things to do." However, overcoming this resistance is not just an act of love toward oneself, it's a step towards empowerment and control over our own well-being.

This week, I invite you to join me in a challenge. 

Below are 30 "I'm worthy of..." statements, each paired with a specific action and its wellness benefit. Choose one for each day and live by it. 

Each statement is tailored to remind us why we deserve wellness, offering tangible benefits that can enhance our lives.

  1. I'm worthy of rest because it rejuvenates my body and mind, enabling me to tackle challenges with clarity.
  2. I'm worthy of healthy nutrition because it nourishes my body, enhancing my strength and vitality.
  3. I'm worthy of exercise because it improves my mood and overall physical health.
  4. I'm worthy of quiet moments because they offer me a sanctuary for reflection and inner peace.
  5. I'm worthy of laughter because it lightens my heart and strengthens my resilience.
  6. I'm worthy of love because it nurtures my soul and connects me deeply with others.
  7. I'm worthy of boundaries because they protect my energy and foster a healthy, balanced life.
  8. I'm worthy of pursuing my passions because they ignite my spirit and bring joy.
  9. I'm worthy of saying no because honouring my limits preserves my well-being.
  10. I'm worthy of forgiveness because it frees me from the weight of past hurts and fosters healing.
  11. I'm worthy of new experiences because they broaden my horizons and enrich my existence.
  12. I'm worthy of self-compassion because it's the foundation of genuine self-care and growth.
  13. I'm worthy of taking breaks because pausing is essential for sustaining my energy and creativity.
  14. I'm worthy of beauty around me because it uplifts my spirit and inspires gratitude.
  15. I'm worthy of comfort because feeling secure and at ease is crucial for my mental well-being.
  16. I'm worthy of learning because expanding my knowledge empowers and shapes my worldview.
  17. I'm worthy of space because having room to breathe allows me to connect deeply with myself.
  18. I'm worthy of joy because it fuels my enthusiasm for life and spreads positivity.
  19. I'm worthy of trust because believing in myself guides my decisions and leads to fulfilment.
  20. I'm worthy of patience because growth and healing take time, and I'm committed to my journey.
  21. I'm worthy of kindness because gentle words and actions cultivate a loving relationship with myself and others.
  22. I'm worthy of adventure because exploring ignites my curiosity and vitality.
  23. I'm worthy of creativity because expressing myself enriches my life and connects me with others.
  24. I'm worthy of relaxation because it's essential for my mental clarity and stress reduction.
  25. I'm worthy of celebration because acknowledging my achievements fosters self-esteem and motivation.
  26. I'm worthy of support because everyone needs help sometimes, and it's okay to ask for it.
  27. I'm worthy of making mistakes because they are opportunities for learning and growth.
  28. I'm worthy of change because it's the only constant, and adapting is a sign of strength.
  29. I'm worthy of peace because inner tranquility is the core of wellness.
  30. I'm worthy of hope because it keeps me moving forward, even in uncertainty.

These statements are designed to dismantle the barriers we set for ourselves and to solidify the wellness benefits of prioritising our needs, especially when self-care seems indulgent or secondary. They have been crafted to remind us of our inherent worthiness. 

Here are 30 statements that I have crafted for myself. Feel free to use any of these for yourself, too:

  1. I'm worthy of sitting in the garden with a cup of tea because it grants me peace and reconnection with nature, revitalising my spirit.
  2. I'm worthy of 20 minutes of gentle movement each morning because it centres my mind and strengthens my body, setting a positive tone for my day.
  3. I'm worthy of preparing a nutritious meal for myself because it fuels my body with the energy and care it deserves.
  4. I'm worthy of calling a friend for a chat because sharing laughter and support nurtures my emotional well-being.
  5. I'm worthy of taking a warm bath with lavender oil because it soothes my senses and relaxes my muscles, promoting better sleep.
  6. I'm worthy of reading a chapter of a book in silence because it enriches my mind while offering an escape into different worlds.
  7. I'm worthy of scheduling a health check-up because staying informed about my health empowers me to make conscious decisions for my wellness.
  8. I'm worthy of a 15-minute break from all screens because it helps reduce digital strain and gives my mind a much-needed rest.
  9. I'm worthy of writing down three things I'm grateful for because it shifts my focus to positivity and abundance.
  10. I'm worthy of dancing to my favourite song because it boosts my mood and creates a moment of uninhibited joy.
  11. I'm worthy of investing in a new skill or hobby class because growing my abilities brings me satisfaction and confidence.
  12. I'm worthy of decluttering a small area of my home because a clean space reduces stress and nurtures clarity.
  13. I'm worthy of applying a face mask because taking time for skincare is a practice in self-love and rejuvenation.
  14. I'm worthy of planning a day out just for myself because exploring and solitude feeds my soul and creativity.
  15. I'm worthy of saying 'no' to an additional commitment because respecting my time and energy limits ensures my well-being.
  16. I'm worthy of spending an afternoon doing absolutely nothing because rest is not laziness; it's an essential component of health.
  17. I'm worthy of a leisurely walk in nature because it connects me to the earth and clears my mind.
  18. I'm worthy of buying fresh flowers for my desk because their beauty uplifts my mood and inspires my work.
  19. I'm worthy of a midday nap because it refreshes my mind and boosts my productivity for the rest of the day.
  20. I'm worthy of journaling my thoughts before bed because it helps me process my emotions and ensures a restful sleep.
  21. I'm worthy of setting boundaries in relationships because protecting my emotional health is paramount.
  22. I'm worthy of asking for help when needed because doing everything alone is not a measure of strength.
  23. I'm worthy of a creative project like painting because expressing myself artistically is therapeutic and fulfilling.
  24. I'm worthy of a personal treat, like a small luxury item, because it's okay to celebrate myself and my achievements.
  25. I'm worthy of watching the sunrise because witnessing the start of a new day reminds me of life's cycles and my place within them.
  26. I'm worthy of letting go of an old grudge because forgiveness is liberating and leads to peace.
  27. I'm worthy of an early night because getting enough sleep is foundational to my health and well-being.
  28. I'm worthy of speaking kindly to myself because positive self-talk builds self-esteem and resilience.
  29. I'm worthy of attending a workshop or seminar because lifelong learning keeps me engaged and informed.
  30. I'm worthy of laughing until my stomach hurts because joy is a natural medicine that heals and connects us. 

From a psychological perspective, the struggle with feeling worthy and prioritising our needs often stems from deep-seated beliefs and societal conditioning. Many of us grow up internalising messages that equate self-sacrifice with virtue and view self-care as selfishness. These beliefs are further reinforced by societal expectations that reward constant productivity and selflessness, especially in women, who are often culturally conditioned to be caregivers and put others' needs before their own. 

Additionally, experiences of criticism or neglect in our formative years can lead to a diminished sense of self-worth, making it challenging to believe that we deserve care and attention. 

Our self-esteem is also influenced by comparisons, amplified by the ubiquitous presence of social media, where we measure our behind-the-scenes struggles against the highlight reels of others, exacerbating feelings of inadequacy. 

This complex web of psychological factors creates a barrier to recognising our worthiness and placing ourselves higher on our priority list. This narrative, coupled with societal pressures to always be 'on' and perfect, can make prioritising our well-being feel unnatural, even selfish.

But here's the truth – you are worthy, and your needs matter. By exploring these psychological roots together, we're not just understanding the "why" behind our actions; we're paving the way for a brighter, more self-compassionate future.  

Every step you take towards recognising your worth and placing your needs higher on your priority list is a leap towards a happier, healthier life. 

I'd love you to reply to this email and share any aha moments you've had reading the content today. If you recognise that you would benefit from 1-2-1 support to work through any issues , please email me or contact me on socials to discuss how coaching with me, and doing the deep inner mindset work, might help.

Cheering you on to wellness success

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