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Tips for Using EFT to Manage Stress and Anxiety in Your Daily Life

eft (emotional freedom technique) Apr 20, 2023
Tips for Using EFT to Manage Stress and Anxiety in Your Daily Life

How The Emotional Freedom Technique Can Help You Relieve Stress and Anxiety and Improve Your Mental Wellness - Real-World Case Studies

As a mindset coach, I work with many clients who struggle with stress and anxiety. Fortunately, many proven techniques can help you manage these feelings, and one of them is called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

EFT - also known as tapping - is a form of Meridian Tapping Therapy that involves tapping specific energy points on your body and talking through the issue you’d like to resolve. This technique has been shown to effectively reduce stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions by helping balance your body's energy system.

If you're unfamiliar with EFT, don't worry - learning and practising are easy. Here are some actionable tips to help you get started:

  1. Identify the issue: Start by identifying the specific issue that's causing you stress or anxiety. Be as specific as possible, and rate your emotional intensity on a scale of 0-10.
  2. Create a setup statement: Once you've identified the issue, create a setup statement that acknowledges your feelings and includes a positive affirmation. For example: "Even though I'm feeling stressed about my upcoming presentation, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
  3. Tap on the points: Tap on the specific energy points on your body while repeating your setup statement. Start on the side of your hand, then move on to the other points, including the top of the head, the eyebrow, the side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin, collarbone, and underarm. There’s a diagram of the tapping points later in this post.
  4. Check-in: After one or two rounds of tapping, check in with yourself and rate your emotional intensity again. If you're still feeling stressed or anxious, repeat the process until you feel some relief.
  5. Practice regularly: EFT is most effective when used on a regular basis. Try to incorporate this technique into your daily routine and use it to manage any stressful situations that arise.

Several promising scientific research studies suggest it can be an effective tool for managing stress and anxiety. But what about real-world case studies? 

Here are some examples of clients who have benefited from EFT:

Client 1: Sarah is a busy working mum who often feels overwhelmed and stressed. She came to me looking for ways to manage her anxiety and improve her mental well-being. After one EFT session, she reported feeling more relaxed and less anxious. She continued to use the technique regularly and has found that it helped her stay calm and centred, even during stressful times.

Client 2: Kelly is an entrepreneur who experiences regular bouts of self-doubt and imposter syndrome. She came to me looking for ways to boost her confidence and overcome her limiting beliefs. Through EFT, she was able to tap into her emotions and release some of the negative energy that was holding her back. As a result, she was able to approach his business ventures with more confidence and clarity.

Client 3: Karen is a cancer survivor who has been struggling with anxiety and depression as a result of her illness. She came to me looking for ways to manage her emotions and find more joy in her life. Through EFT, she was able to release some of the trauma from her cancer experience and gain a new perspective on life. She reported feeling more positive and hopeful after just a few EFT sessions.

Each of these clients used EFT in their own way to manage stress and anxiety and improve their mental well-being. EFT has been shown to be a powerful tool for managing negative emotions and promoting overall wellness.

If you're interested in learning more about EFT, I encourage you to sign up for a one-on-one session with me. As a thank you for reading this blog post, I'm offering new clients a £15 discount (click here and use code EFTNEW15 at checkout). And remember, I guarantee results - if you don't feel an improvement at the end of your session, I offer a free follow-up session.

In conclusion, EFT can be a powerful tool for managing stress and anxiety in your daily life. I hope this post has given you the information and inspiration you need to try it for yourself. 

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns, and remember, with EFT, inner peace, happiness, and prosperity are always at your fingertips. 

P.S Follow me on Instagram and sign up for a free online group EFT experience if you’d like to see tapping in action


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