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This Gem is a Wellness Game-Changer

katie's mindset Apr 24, 2024
This gem is a wellness game changer

Today, I wanted to share some of my recent 'adventures' with you. My simple home update has turned into a bigger-scale repair project, all thanks to a sneaky leak behind the washing machine that the decorator found, which has gone undetected for goodness knows how long! Kitchen units must be removed, floors must be taken up, and who knows what else they will discover in this process.

At first, I felt despondent, thinking of all the new disruption and upheaval (and an insurance claim with a hefty excess), but then I had to remind myself of a little gem of wisdom:

"You can't control what happens to you, but you can control how you react." 

This isn't just about keeping your cool; it's about nurturing your wellness, mind, body, and soul.

Why This Matters on Every Level

Choosing our reactions isn't just about dodging stress; it's a critical element of our overall well-being. It keeps our mental health in check, reduces anxiety, and fosters positivity within and around us. By practising mindfulness and self-compassion, we can experience a profound shift in our perspective, leading to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

The Science of Keeping Calm

Our brains are wired for fight or flight, reacting to stress as though we're facing ancient predators. But by integrating mindfulness into our daily routine, we can retrain our brain, making a serene response more of our go-to.

A Real-World Blueprint

Beyond the chaos at my home, this principle also applies to many of the everyday hiccups we encounter, like getting stuck in traffic or plans going awry.

This is where this practice of controlling our reaction comes to life. The 'Real-World Blueprint' provides a step-by-step guide on how to apply this principle in various situations, making it a practical tool for daily life. 

Here's how you can work through a scenario of being stuck in traffic step-by-step: 

1. Acknowledge Your Initial Reaction: Are you stuck in traffic and feeling the frustration rise? Notice it without judgment.

2. Pause and Breathe: Take three deep breaths before the frustration takes over. Feel yourself in the driver's seat (literally and figuratively).

3. Assess and Accept: Recognise that the situation is outside your control. Accepting it can paradoxically give you a sense of control.

4. Refocus: Shift your focus from frustration to what you can control – your reaction. This is where you reclaim your power.

5. Choose Your Response: Decide on a productive response. For example, you could use this time to listen to a podcast or audiobook you've meant to catch up on.

6. Reflect on the Outcome: After the fact, reflect on how this approach changed your experience. More often than not, you'll find you're calmer and more collected, fostering a sense of hope and optimism.

Imagine this scenario: after a long day of work, you discover that your child, in a burst of creativity, has decided the living room wall was the perfect canvas for their crayon masterpiece. Your first reaction might be frustration or even anger, a natural response to what's perceived as chaos in your already hectic life. However, this moment offers a golden opportunity to practice choosing your reaction. Instead of letting anger take the wheel, take a deep breath and see the situation through your child's eyes - an innocent expression of creativity and perhaps a call for attention or engagement. By choosing to respond with understanding and perhaps a discussion about appropriate places for art, you transform a potentially upsetting event into a teaching moment and a chance to connect with your child. This shift not only diffuses the situation but also inspires a positive environment of learning and growth for both of you.

Your Wellness Toolkit:

  1. Mindful Moments: Daily mindfulness strengthens our ability to choose our reactions.
  2. Gratitude Practice: A daily gratitude list can shift perspectives from negative to positive.
  3. Self-Compassion: Talk to yourself with kindness and understanding in all situations.
  4. Resilience Training: View every challenge as an opportunity to strengthen your resilience muscle.

Sharing this story with you is more than recounting my home woes; it's about illustrating the profound impact of choosing our reactions, especially regarding our well-being. Life's little (and big) surprises become less about stress and more about opportunities for growth and peace.

Here's to navigating life's unexpected turns with grace and wisdom.

Cheering you on to wellness success,

P.S. Also, remember that life is going to keep serving up surprises—it's our reaction that shapes the experience. How will you shape yours today? Your choice is powerful in your well-being toolkit, so use it wisely and compassionately.

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