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The Power of Permission

katie's mindset Mar 13, 2024

As a wellness coach, I've explored countless empowering and inspiring concepts. Today, let's explore one that seems simple yet holds profound power in our lives: permission.

What Is Permission?

Permission is our inner green light. That deep, empowering voice within says, "Yes, you can!" It's about allowing ourselves to live fully, pursue our dreams, and honour our needs and desires without waiting for external validation.

Granting yourself permission might be taking a day off when you're overwhelmed, pursuing a long-held dream, or simply saying no to things that don't serve your highest good. 

It's recognising that you can make choices that align with your well-being and aspirations. 

Permission means living a life aligned with your true self, making choices based on what feels right for you.

The Necessity of Permission

Without granting ourselves permission, we risk living a life dictated by others' expectations, trapped in a cycle of 'shoulds' and 'what-ifs.' 

Permission is essential because, without it, we can find ourselves trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and limitation. We wait for external validation to pursue our goals, forgetting that the most significant endorsement comes from within. 

When we don't give ourselves permission, we silence our inner voice, stifle our potential, and dim our light.

The Misconception: Letting Go of External Validation

Here's where we myth-bust: Many believe that permission must come from others—an authority, a loved one, or society. However, waiting for external permission is like waiting for a train at an abandoned station. The truth is, the only validation that genuinely matters is from yourself. By recognising this, you unlock the door to limitless possibilities and the freedom to pursue your deepest aspirations.

5 Ways to Tell if You're Not Giving Yourself Permission

  1. You're Constantly Second-Guessing Yourself: If you doubt every decision, it might be time to sign that self-permission slip.
  2. You Feel Stuck in a Rut: Feeling like you're not moving forward can signal that you're not allowing yourself to pursue new opportunities.
  3. You're Always Prioritising Others Over Yourself: While it's important to care for others, consistently putting yourself last indicates you need to give yourself permission to prioritise your own needs.
  4. You Suppress Your True Desires: If you often hide what you truly want or feel, it's a clear sign you need to embrace self-permission.
  5. You Fear Change: A reluctance to step out of your comfort zone can indicate a lack of permission to explore and grow.

Recognising these signs is the first step towards change. Granting yourself permission can revolutionise your life, leading to incredible growth and fulfilment.

You Are the Key

Yes, you. You hold the key to unlocking your full potential. It's not about seeking approval from the world but about affirming to yourself that you are worthy, capable, and deserving of following your heart and fulfilling your dreams.

Your First Step: Embracing Wellness by Granting Yourself Permission

As a first step, I invite you on a reflective journey to identify an area in your life where you've been holding back. It could be a dream you've shelved, a desire you've suppressed, or simply the permission to rest. The goal is to discover where you're not allowing yourself the freedom to be fully you and to explore the roots of this restraint.

Step 1: Identifying Your Wellness Barrier 

Begin by contemplating, "In which aspect of my wellness am I denying myself permission?" "Where am I not allowing myself freedom or permission in my life?" Let your inner voice guide you. It might be in maintaining a healthier lifestyle, dedicating time to mental health practices, seeking professional help for emotional struggles, starting a new relationship, taking a leap of faith in your career, or simply allowing yourself moments of stillness.

Step 2: Discovering the Why Behind the Barrier 

Once you've pinpointed this area, probe deeper to understand why. Ask yourself, "Why am I hesitating in embracing this aspect of wellness? What's the underlying story? What's the backstory? What's the root cause?" Understanding the 'why' behind your hesitance is crucial for moving past it.

Step 3: Crafting Your Wellness Permission Statement 

Armed with this understanding, create a permission statement that directly addresses the underlying reasons and outlines the benefits of overcoming these barriers. This is your personal declaration of intent, a commitment to breaking free from self-imposed restrictions and wellness limitations.

Prompts to Guide You Through This Process:

  1. "I have been hesitant to __________ because I believed __________."
  2. "My reluctance to focus on my wellness in the area of __________ stems from __________."
  3. "Recognising this, I now grant myself permission to __________ because it will lead me to __________."
  4. "Embracing this permission benefits my wellness by __________, making me feel __________."

Here's a Completed Example (with a Wellness Focus):

  1. "I have been hesitant to implement regular exercise into my routine because I believed I didn't have enough time."
  2. "My reluctance to focus on my wellness in the area of physical health stems from a misconception of needing to make big changes for any improvement."
  3. "Recognising this, I now grant myself permission to incorporate small, manageable fitness activities into my daily life because it will lead me to improved physical health and energy levels."
  4. "Embracing this permission benefits my wellness by enhancing my mood, reducing stress, and increasing my overall vitality, making me feel more empowered and alive."

Your Wellness Permission Statement: Now, it's your turn to craft a statement that resonates with your wellness journey. Fill in the blanks for yourself, and remember, this exercise is a stepping stone towards a more authentic and empowered life.

Granting yourself permission in this chosen area of wellness not only liberates you from past limitations but also opens up a realm of possibilities for growth and happiness. Embrace this opportunity to explore, understand, and affirm your needs and desires.

Start small but think big. Give yourself permission to pause, to dream, to say no, or to embark on something new. Notice the shifts in your mindset as you begin to embrace your power of choice.

Final Words of Empowerment

Granting yourself permission is not just an act of self-love; it's a declaration of independence from self-doubt and limitation. It's the foundation for a life lived on your own terms, rich with personal fulfilment and achievement.

I hope today's blog and message inspires you to give yourself permission. Remember, you're not walking alone on this path of personal growth and empowerment. I'm here to support and guide you every step of the way. 

Cheering you on to wellness success,

P.S. If you resist granting yourself permission, know you're not alone. This journey of self-empowerment can sometimes feel daunting, but I'm here to help you navigate it. Together, we can explore the roots of this resistance, craft personalised strategies and support to overcome it and unlock the benefits of living a life unchained from self-imposed limitations. If you're ready to dive deeper and transform your relationship with permission, I invite you to work with me. Let's uncover the barriers holding you back and pave the way for a future brimming with potential. Email me [email protected], or DM me @getyourwellnessgoals, and let's discuss ways to embark on this transformative journey together. 

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