
Please let me know when your Eliminate Emotional Eating Programme next launches


Emotional eating can be a destructive and tough habit to break.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

I’ve experienced firsthand how it feels to be unhappy with your body and your life. As a Mindset Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, and Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, I’ve worked with many Ladies just like you, who’ve  experienced the same pressures and problems, so I understand why they make the choices they do, and I know how to change that.

In my course, Eliminate Emotional Eating, we’ll work through the pillars of my signature ‘4E System’ together to understand why you’re making those destructive choices, and we’ll change the way you think about food, for good.

You’ll learn to listen to your body, and understand what it really needs. You’ll be able to break free from emotional eating, and finally trust yourself around food, feeling in control of your choices, actions and life. You won’t need to feel ashamed or guilty anymore, because you’ll have a toolkit of healthier strategies to identify and address emotions.


Drop your name and email below to be the first to hear when The Eliminate Emotional Eating programme next launches


I want to end my battle with food forever and learn how to master my mind so that I can achieve lasting change, total wellness empowerment, and freedom from destructive habits

Please let me know when your Eliminate Emotional Eating Programme next launches